May 22, 2016

Looking Into My Father’s Eyes

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Whenever you see a list of the top reasons for fights between couples, money is always at or near the top. It makes sense. A spender marries a saver and they fight. A spender marries a spender and they fight. When two savers get married, I’m thinking they probably get along just fine as they shop at their favourite thrift store. Because money can be such a flashpoint in our homes, it makes sense that “Handling the Money” needs to be part of our family series. God’s plan for your home to be awesome includes principles of managing your finances.

Take advantage of the resource page we have set up with books and videos, as well as the previous messages in this series and information on the Biblical Soul Care sponsored events that we have put together on parenting. If you have any questions about the family, email them in to us at or text to 705.999.7788, and in the message on March 3, Pastor Roger and I will do our best to answer them.

Sermon Notes

Series: The Acts of the Apostles (Chapters 11-16)
Todd Dugard
Message: 35 - When the gentiles heard
Harvest Bible Chapel
Text: Acts 13: 42-52
January 14, 2024

When the Word of God is preached…

…I want more (v. 42- 44)

Do not taste what you do not want to hunger after. Psalm 19: 7-11

…I see the opposition to it (v. 45-47, 50-51)

When facing opposition to sharing the gospel:

1. Accept it as natural consequence

2. Shake it off

3. Keep preaching

…I respond in worship (v. 48) Romans 12: 1-2

…I want others to hear it too (v. 49) John 1: 45 John 4: 29 1 Corinthians 1: 23-24

…I am filled with joy and the Holy Spirit (v. 52)

Psalm 19: 7-14